Setting up Mailrise with Docker

I recently discovered Mailrise, which is an SMTP gateway for Apprise notifications. You can use Mailrise to have devices that only use SMTP for notifications or alerts, and Mailrise will convert it to one of the many supported notifications found here. In this post, I will be configuring it with…

Creating an Active Directory Home Lab with Proxmox

If you want to create an Active Directory environment in a non-production environment, doing so in Proxmox is a great way since you can use many of the features of Proxmox such as backups, snapshots, cloning, etc. This post will go through the setup process of creating an Active Directory…

Creating a virtual Windows Server 2022 template with Proxmox

One of my favorite features of Proxmox is the ability to create templates so I can quickly deploy a virtual machine, especially when I am implementing new features that I am not familiar with. I recently got some new hardware that will let me implement an Active Directory setup in…

Setting up AdGuard Home with Alpine Linux

Deploying AdGuard Home with Alpine Linux can be done with OpenRC, as Alpine Linux uses OpenRC for its init system instead of systemd. The manual steps are shown below. I created a script and uploaded it to my GitHub repository as well. Manual Installation 1. Head on over to the…

Backing up folders with MegaCMD and bash

Automating the backup of crucial information can be done with MegaCMD. For this demonstration, I installed MegaCMD on the server that I want to backup data from. Afterwards, I setup a Cron Job to automatically backup data to my Mega account. First, I installed MegaCMD and logged in using the…